Ahlbom Family¶
by Lennart Holmquist and Eric Gilroy
The Ahlbom family are cousins to the Colldén family and the Börjesson family.

Family Ahlbom
Youngest to the Oldest
Gunvor, Karl, Karin, Birgit, Ingrid, Greta, Annie
Augusta & John (parents)
Circa 1920
Click Image
Sven Ahlbom (February 22, 1765 - 1822?)
Sven was possibly born in the Kinna assembly area (Kinnarums församling) in Sweden.
Sven married Johanna Eding (1765 - June 5, 1790) on January 17, 1790. She died less than four months later. On April 6, 1794 he married Johanna Charlotta Rosenstedt (March 13, 1769 - November 7, 1808). After Johanna died in 1808, Sven married Anna Maria Klingvall (May 1, 1770 - 1856) about six months later on June 20, 1809.
He was a 'klockare' (watcher?) with Warfvets and Majornas assembly (parish), and later a 'klockare' in the military assembly (Amiralitetsförsamlingen) in Göteborg, Sweden. A military assembly or parish in Sweden is not territorial, but includes a specific defined area of land, and whose members are defined differently than they are residents in the township. Sweden had many military assemblies over the years, but by at least 2017 had only one. See Militärförsamlingar.
Sven and Johanna had at least one child, Anders Gustav.
Anders Gustav Ahlbom (June 10, 1796 - August 31, 1845)
He married Katarina Elisabet Berg (July 5, 1802 - November 17, 1857). Anders was an operations manager at Viskafors, subsequently acting (handlande) in Göteborg, Sweden.
Carl Ahlbom (August 16, 1828 - November 7, 1875)
1.1.1 married Emma Augusta Bohman (December 25, 1843 - ????). Carl was a 'dealer' (Handlande) in Göteborg, Sweden. Carl Gustav Emanuel Ahlbom (January 18, 1870 - March 25, 1936)
married Evelyne May Cook (June 14, 1887 - June 25, 1952) in England in 1914. Carl Gustav had been previously married, and possibly may have divorced his first wife because she could not have children.
Carl was born in Goteborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden,
Evelyn was born in Aylesbury, England, and as, employed as a dental secretary as of 1911. Evelyne died in Bristol, England.
Evelyne and Carl were married in England in January 1914.
At some point Carl Gustav either emigrated or at least got a visa for Stettin, Germany (now Szczecin, Poland) from Goteborg, Sweden and moved or traveled there along with Evelyne. Evelyne's daughter, Golda, used to say she was born in Poland. It may be she was actually born in Stettin, Germany. Stettin became part of Poland in 1945 following WWII. Golda said that people used to spit at her pregnant mother because she was English, which may be because Germany and England were at war when Golda was born in 1914.
Afterward they moved to Sweden where Carl was from. In 1928 they sent their daughter Golda to Sweden. Her siblings traveled to England from Sweden later.
Asked how Carl and Evelyne may have met, their grandson Eric wrote this in 2017 to Lennart Holmquist:
To answer your question about how my grandfather and grandmother met. I don't know for certain, but I have the impression that my mother once told me that Evelyne (much younger than Carl) was a nurse/nanny - perhaps with a family local to Carl. My mother always said that he wanted a young wife so that he could have children. My mother was sent to England by herself in 1928, to stay with the Cooke family in the St Leonards area of Hastings - where she stayed until 1936 when she came to live in Rochester, UK, with her first husband. The other children followed to England when they were old enough to travel by themselves. I believe that my uncle Carl said that his mother and father eventually divorced.
Carl was,apparently, in import/export of timber, and produced a 'well acclaimed' reckonner book for aiding in the business.
As far as their grandson, Eric Gilroy knows, neither Evelyne nor any of her children ever returned to Sweden. The cost of travel at the time, and the war were probably the main reasons.
Gustaf and Evelyne's children were Golda, Brita, Carl and Sven.
Evelyne's mother's family name was Turner. Evelyne's daughter, Golda, regularly visited Minnie Turner in London.
For more on Evelyne see Evelyn May Cook.
For more on Carl see Carl Gustaf Emanuel Ahlbom.
Golda Ahlbom
circa 1938 Golda Ahlbom (October 7, 1914 - July 28, 2000)
married Jack Murrow (???? - ????) circa 1936, and they had a daughter Jacqueline Elizabeth (July 10, 1940 - ). Their marriage ended circa 1943.
Golda was born in Germany/Poland when her parents were in that country, possibly during one of Jack's business trips. She grew up in Goteborg (Gothenburg) and Stockholm, Sweden.
Golda later married George Jenkins Gilroy (April 1921 - January 29, 2000) on December 26, 1946. They had a son, George Eric.
Golda maintained contact with cousins in Sweden, two of them being Kerstin Elisabeth Börjesson who visited Golda in the UK a few times, and Kerstin's sister Ingegerd. Jacqueline Elizabeth (Murrow) Gilroy
George Gilroy adopted Jacqueline after George married Jacqueline's mother.
For more on Jacqueline's family see Golda Ahlbom Family. George Eric Gilroy
For more on Eric's family see Golda Ahlbom Family.
SS Manaqui
Click Image Brita Ahlbom (December 3, 1916 - March 1977)
He married Arthur Lewis (???? - c1943). Brita and Arthur had one son, Roy. Brita died in Lewisham, London, England. Roy Lewis (c1945 - )
Roy is unmarried (2017). Carl Johan Ahlbom (January 8, 1918 - February 2013)
married Mavis? (???? - c1985).
After his wife's death Carl did voluntary work in Africa for the Billy Graham organisation. Billy Graham was an American evangelist.
Carl died in Bristol, UK.
Carl and Mavis had three daughters, Janice, Jennifer, Julie. Janice (???? - ). Jennifer (???? - ). Julie (???? - ). Sven Eric Ahlbom (November 7, 1919 - March 15, 1942)
He died in the 'other world war' [andra världskriget] according to a Swedish family record.
More specifically, Sven Eric was an Able Seaman in the British Merchant Navy, and was aboard S.S. Manaqui (London) which was bound for Kingston Jamaica with a general cargo. The Manaqui fell behind the convoy and was sunk by an Italian or German submarine near Barbuda. All hands were lost, and no bodies were recovered. Sven Eric is commemorated on the Tower Hill Memorial (London) Memorial Panel 67.
John Fredrik Ahlbom
Göteborg, Sweden
circa 1900
Click Image Johan Fredrik Ahlbom (July 8, 1871 - February 28, 1942)
He married Augusta (October 26, 1874 - June 8, 1946). John and Augusta's children were Annie, Greta, Ingrid, Birgit, Karin, Karl and Gunvor.
Johan was a businessman who made a fortune selling fruit from Latin America in Sweden. The family fortune completely disappeared ca 1920 when his daughter, Annie, was engaged to a man who tricked the family and ran away with the family fortune, and leaving Annie (1898 - ca 1978). The family was left bankrupt and Annie never married .
In 1920 John and his cousin David Börjesson went to the docks to greet Johan and Hedvig Rinell, missionaries to China, who arrived back in Sweden for a furlough. Also, greeting Johan and Hedvig was Oscar Rinell, their son, and the Colldén family. Among the Colldéns was young Hellen Colldén. Later that day John and David invited everyone to a local restaurant where Oscar met Hellen who was to become his wife.
For more information see (1920) Oscar Meets Hellen, a chapter in an unfinished book.
Annie Ahlbom and Hellen Colldén
circa 1916
Click Image Annie Ahlbom (February 8, 1897 - ????)
A cousin of Annie's was Hellen Colldén who was to become a missionary to China. See the book-in-progress Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951.
Annie, was engaged to a man who tricked, Annie's father and his family, and ran away with the family fortune, leaving the famiy bankrupt.
Annie never married. Greta Ahlbom (April 9, 1899 - ????)
She married Anders Svensson (December 16, 1898 - October 31, 1970). Family document linked below is unclear as to whether Anders Svensson died on October 31, 1970 or that it was Ingrid Ahlbom, his sister-in-law who died on that date. Ingrid Ahlbom (June 16, 1903 - ????)
She married Ericsson (???? - ????). Birgit Ahlbom (April 1, 1905 - September 29, 1986)
She married Olle Jörneman (May 22, 1907 - July 7, 1972) on Januari 5, 1939. They met in a music shop where Birgit was working, selling sheet music. Olle played the trumpet and traded fabrics for a living.
Birgit and Olle had three children, Barbro, Kerstin and Lars.
For more information on this family see: Karin Ahlbom (November 15, 1906 - August 24, 1965). Karin did not marry. Karl Gustav Ahlbom (April 19, 1915 - December 6, 1947) married [name unknown]. Gunvor Ahlbom (July 26, 1919 - ????) married Lennart Ekstöm (January 19, 1917 - October 7, 1974).
Golda Ahlbom
Göteborg, Sweden
circa 1900
Click Image Golda Elisabeth Ahlbom (June 22, 1875 - May 26, 1923) married Johan Otto Pettersson (February 6, 1861 - ????). He may have been called Otto because his name came down through family records as 'O. Pettersson'. Otto was a shoe factory foreman [Skofabriksverkmästare] in Sweden.
Golda was born in Göteborgs Gustavi (Domkyrkoförsamlingen i Göteborg), Göteborg och Bohus, Sweden.
1875 - Golda Ahlbom birth - original
Carl Otto Pettersson was born in Tösse, Älvsborg (Västra Götaland), Sweden.
On September 30, 1914 entire family, Golda, Johan, and Golda Ingeborg and left Sweden for good for Norway.
1914 - Emigrants Registered in Church Books: Johan Otto Pettersson
1914 - Emigrants Registered in Church Books: Golda Elisabeth Ahlbom Carl Otto Pettersson (11 Oct 1904 - ????). Golda Ingeborg Petersson (December 30, 1905 - ?????) married Haakon Jansen (???? - ?????) who may have been from Oslo, Norway. Swedish church records state the Golda when Golda was eight years old her brother Carl Otto and their parents emigrated to Norway
Golda was born in Göteborg och Bohus, Sweden.
1914 - Emigrants Registered in Church Books: Golda Ingeborg Petersson
Sweden, Select Baptisms: Golda Ingeborg Petersson
Golda and Haakon had two children, but one died young. Child. Child. Sara Schenlund (???? - ????) married Karl Solberg (???? - ????). It is not know at this time why Sara was know as 'Schenlund' rather than Ahlbom. Possibly she was known as Sara Ahlbom, married a man by the name of Schenlund and then remarried a man by the name of Solberg.
We are assuming her son Henry's last name was Solberg. However, it could have been Schenlund.
The family document linked below states that Karl Solberg was previously married to Frida Samuelsson (July 21, 1889 - April 3, 1962). Henry Solberg (June 19, 1912 - March 5, 1953) married Anna-Lisa (???? - ????). Child. Child. Child
Sources of Information on the Ahlbom Family
Family information for this page was initially based upon a document entitled Några ar Ingegärd's Släktingar [translated: 'Some are Ingegärd's Relatives']. This original document was probably provided by Ingegerd's husband when I, Lennart Holmquist, my mother, Doris Holmquist, and possibly my grandfather, Oscar Rinell, visited the family in Sweden, possibly in the 1990s.
The information has been augmented with historical records, chiefly through ancestry.com, and information from Wilhelm Bergs Göteborgssläkter, the latter in Swedish. More contemporary information on the family is provided by Eric Gilroy of the UK. Eric and Lennart (North Carolina, USA) met online after Eric discovered this Ahlbom page while doing an online search in 2017, and have been working in collaboration to provide additional detail on the Ahlbom family.
Photos of the Ahlbom family were inherited by Lennart Holmquist from the Colldén side of his family who were cousins of the Ahlbom family. Photo of the ship, SS Manaqui, was retrieved online.
To see how the Ahlbom family is related to the Colldén family see:
The 'Colldén-Börjesson Family Tree' is a graphic representation of the families and multiple sheets of paper. You will need to print out the entire tree, and tape the sheets together.
Note that you may need a user name and password to get to the family tree.
If you have questions, comments or corrections or need a user name and password email me at family@earthwander.com.
RINELL FAMILY Johannson & Descendants Johan & Hedvig's Family Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951