(1931) Oscar Leaves Göteborg University¶
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Oscar apparently left the Göteborg High University1 in 1931 after studying Sinology with Bernhard Karlgren.2 The university is by Vasa Street about one and a half blocks from Tabernaklet church. Two big lion statues stood flanking the stairs. At only one and a half years Dollan would tell everyone on the streetcar, "Papa's Högskola," and point it out.
Return to China¶
Leaving Sweden for China
Roy and Dollan Rinell
Though documentation has not been found as yet Oscar, Hellen, Roy and Dollan must have returned to China during this year. This time they were not taking the Trans-Siberian railroad. A photo shows Roy and dollan on a ship's deck.
In China¶
Miss M. Monsen was one of the best assests for revival on the China missionfield. It all started in 1931 in Kiaohsien and for two years revivals were led by her at all main mission stations. She was was, apparently, 'quasi-Pentecostal' and so emphasised a fulness of the Holy Spirit together with an initial conversion experience. Her meetings were often emotional. What was unusual about her success was of Pentecostal elements occurring in anti-Pentatcostal or non-Pentacostal missions. It is not known at this time what the missionaries of the Swedish Baptist Mission thought of her or how much the mission was involved with her, whether not at all or significantly. 3 See short biography on Marie Monsen at:
A copy of this article in PDF format is in the folder 'SourceDoucmentsWeb'. Apparently, an 'awakening' movement occurred in Shantung Province from 1927-1937 of which this revival was a part. 4
The beginning was in Kiaohsien in 1931 but during nearly two years she lead [revivals?] in all the mission head statitons. Dr. John Sung, pastor Andrew Gih, the teacher Chen Swe-ting, pastor Wang Ming-tao, were also some prominent Christians visited the missionfield. 6 "Den b›rjade i Kiaohsien 1931 men under n‚ra 2 ¨r leddes av henne p¨ alla huvudsationer. Dr. John Sung, pastor Andrew Gih, l‚raren Chen Swe-ting, pastor Wang Ming-tao, ‚r n¨gra framst¨ende kristna ledare som bes›kt v¨rt f‚lt. Det ‚r vilseledande om man f›rlade v‚ckelsen p¨ v¨rt f‚lt till blott n¨got eller n¨gra av de senare ¨ren (JA). Se Bes›kelsetider i Kina av C.G. Lundin." .
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Göteborg Högskola.
Verify the name of the university.
See Monsen, Marie 1878-1962. Copy of article archived with Lennart Holmquist.
See The Shantung Revival - Defining Revival. See also the chapter 'The Shantung Revival' in the book Revival fire by Wesley L Duewel.
- Read This
- Acknowledgements
- Background
- Forward
- (1866-88) Beginnings
- (1888-90) Bethel Seminary
- (1891) Johan & Hedvig Engaged
- (1892) God's Prophet
- (1893) Out to this Far Off Land
- (1894) Sailing to China
- (1895) Escape to Chefoo
- (1896) A New Home
- (1897) Germans Take Tsingtao and Kiaochow
- (1898) Margaret Born
- (1899) Twins Born in Sweden
- (1900) Boxer Rebellion
- (1901) Oscar's Childhood
- (1902) Oscar to Boarding School
- (1903) Girl's School Begins
- (1904) Lindberg Children off to Boarding School
- (1905) First Baptism Chucheng
- (1906) Furlough in Sweden
- (1907) Edith to Boarding School
- (1908) Another Missionary
- (1909) Church in Wangtai
- (1910) First Clinic in Kiaochow
- (1911) Egron Travels to Sweden
- (1912) Oscar Leaves Boarding School
- (1913) Church Consecrated in Kiaochow
- (1914) Oscar Attends Seminary
- (1915) Journey Overland
- (1916) Girls School in Chucheng
- (1917) Edith Graduates
- (1918) Conscientious Objector
- (1919) Sisters to America
- (1920) Oscar Meets Hellen
- (1921) Oscar & Hellen Engaged
- (1922) Hellen Graduates
- (1923) Oscar & Hellen Marry
- (1924) Hunting Rabbits
- (1925) A Son is Born
- (1926) Meeting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen?
- (1927) Margaret & Roy Jewett Married
- (1928) Fighting in Kiaochow
- (1929) Peace Again in Kiaochow
- (1930) Fighting Near Kiaochow
- (1931) Oscar Leaves Göteborg University
- (1932) Poppies and War in Shantung
- (1933) First Chinese Pastor Steps Down
- (1934) Sports, Severed Heads & a Mission Conference
- (1935) Successful Mission Schools
- (1936) Sacred Aspen
- (1937) Travels to America and Sweden
- (1938) Japanese Take Tsingtao
- (1939) Sharks Attack Officer
- (1940) New Pastors for Chinese Churches
- (1941) Passing of Johan Alfred
- (1942) Blomdahl Shot
- (1943) Piano Lessons
- (1944) Lally & Dollan Baptized
- (1945) Peace & War
- (1946) Liberation
- (1947) Communists Attack Kiaohsien
- (1948) Dollan Emigrates to America
- (1949) Hedvig Leaves China
- (1950) Hellen Leaves China
- (1951) Last One Out
- (1952) Sweden Again
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Named Persons
- Place Names
- Organizations
- Addresses
- Audio & Visual Recordings
- International Cemetery
- Passenger Lists
Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
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Updated: 10-Feb-2017