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(1916) Girls School in Chucheng

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On February 16, Anna Lindberg opened the first girl's school in Chucheng. The first boy's school had been started in 1905. It was not very common for girls to go to school and unheard of in this area.

The work in Chucheng grew, people became Christians and many trained in the Bible. One of these was Liu Shi-tien, a former cloth peddler turned evangelist. In his sermons he would demonstrate how he would give his customers a short measurement before he repented of his sins and became a Christian.

Egron Travels to USA


SS Frederick VIII

Egron graduated from Stockholm's Bethel Seminary (Betelseminariet) in 1916 and left soon afterward for the United States to avoid possible conscription. In Sweden all young men were expected to so military training. World War I was on, no one new if Sweden would be involved. Egron thought he would be more useful to his fellow man as a missionary in China than involved with a war. No doubt he was correct.

Egron arrived in New York on the ship Frederick VIII on November 27, 1916 after having departed Copenhagen. 19 See: 'List or Manifest of Alien Passengers For the United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival'. Electronic file name is Manifest 1916-1 through Manifest1916-4. He is described as being six feet and and a half inches, fair with gray eyes.20 Information of Egron's arrival to the USA, the ship and his physical characteristics and the photo of the ship are from the the website [Add general information from the Manifest, which are apparently 29 in number, on the other passengers.] 25 The Frederik VIII was "544 (bp) feet long; 62 feet wide. Steam triple expansion engines, twin screw. Service speed 17 knots. 1,350 passengers (100 first class, 300 second class, 950 third class)." See

A Birthday


50th Birthday of Johan Alfred Rinell, 1916

On November 27 Johan Alfred turned fifty years old.


---------- Footnotes ----------

1. See Sten Lindberg's, From My Diary, page 7.

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Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017