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Carlson Family

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By Lennart Holmquist

1. Johan [Jon, John] Carlson (June 5, 1856 - May 23, 1919) married Minnie [Maria, Menny, Mennie] Holmquist (July 30, 1854 - April 8, 1906) on March 4, 1882 in Cook County, Illinois, USA (Marriage License: 00060278).

This marriage was also recorded in Sweden where the records state that "daughter Maria [Trufvid's daughter] married to mechanic Jon Carlsson in 'Cicago' [i.e. Chicago] in America." Menny went to America from Sweden on October 9, 1878. John arrived in America in 1879. (U.S. Census 1900).

Menny and John settled in Englewood in the Chicago area where John started the first laundry in Englewood complete with his own laundry truck to pick up and make deliveries. It was called the Englewood Home Laundry. Their home was at 6612 South Green Street across the street from the home of Mennie's brother, Johannes and his family. It is unclear whether Menny and her husband operated the laundry out of their home at 6112 Green Street or operated their laundry elsewhere in Englewood

The location on Green Street is a residential neighborhood. A Google photo in 2014 shows the approximate location of the building. 6612 Green Street is now an empty lot.

Around 1895 the family returned to Sweden for a visit and then returned to America.

Menny's brother John T. Holmquist mentions in his memoirs that Menny and her husband moved to Donaldson, Indiana around 1900. If that is true then they may have sold their laundry. Alternately, they may have kept the laundry business and still did farming in Indiana. Menny's brother did this. He owned his own company in Chicago, and also owned and operated a farm in Grovertown, Indiana.

In any case the 1900 United States Federal Census - Menny Carlson does give the Carlson family's residence as being Oregon [township], Starke County, Indiana. And, apparently, the family lived in Donaldson, Indiana1 which is only a few miles away. Perhaps their stay in Oregon township was temporary. At this time or later they had a farm in the Grovertown area, again which is only a few miles away.

At some point the laundry was relocated around the corner at 6637 South Halsted. The building no longer stands. A 2014 Google photo shows an empty lot where the building once stood. We cannot tell if the former buiding was a commercial building or a residential building, part of which John and Menny used as a laundry.

John Carlson was a farmer in the Grovertown area, and apparently also made a living selling farms to Chicago Swedes including the land sold to Emil Anderson who built the large Anderson Hotel in the area. John's brother, Sven Carlson, used to help cook at the hotel during the summer season.

John and Menny's granddaughter, Virginia, remembers her mother, Amanda, telling her about the chore of planting and harvesting onions, and that Menny and John had farm animals including horses to pull the plow.

The laundry business does not appear to have grown significantly in size whether or not they kept or sold it. A 1902 Factory Inspectors report gives the number of employees at five for the year 1901. A 1906 Factory Inspectors report gives the number of employees at seven. A 1911 Illinois State Board of Equalization proceedings gives some idea of the value of Englewood Home Laundry.

Menny was born in Småland, Sweden, died in 1906 in Grovertown at fifty years of age. She is buried at the Lutheran Cemetery in Donaldson, Indiana.2 John was born in Värmland, Sweden and also died in Grovertown, Indiana.3

Mennie Carlson: Indiana, Death Certificate

Mennie Carlson: Indiana State Board of Health Certificates of Death

They had eight children though two died young. The others were Edward (Eddie), Enoch, Amanda, Esther, Arvid, and John.

For more information on Menny and the Holmquist family see Menny Holmquist Family.

1.1. Edward William Carlson (1883 - July 26, 1932) who went by the name of Eddie married Eva Randolf Dorchester (August 28, 1880 - October 14, 1926) on October 4, 1911 in Hopkins, Texas, United States. Eva's father was born in Missouri and Eva's mother was born in Kentucky. Eddie and Eva had one daughter, Marjorie.

Eddie became deaf and dumb after having scarlet fever. Eddie's cousin, John T. Holmquist, learned sign language so he could communicate with his cousin.

Eva was also deaf and dumb.

Deaf and Dumb Asylum

Deaf & Dumb Asylum
Austin, Texas, USA
circa 1880s
Click Image

In 1900, and possibly earlier, Eva was attending the Austin Ward 11 Texas School for the Deaf , Travis, Texas. She was 19 at the time.

Eva R Dorchester in the 1900 United States Federal Census

Eva R Dorchester in the 1900 United States Federal Census original

1900 United States Federal Census: Eva's fellow students at the Texas School for the Deaf

In 1910 when Eva was 29 years old she was a boarder along with other boarders on South Park Avenue, Chicago Ward 2, Cook County, Illinois.

Eva R Dorchester in the 1910 United States Federal Census

Eva R Dorchester in the 1910 United States Federal Census original

Eva and Eddie possibly met while attending art school in Chicago.4 By 1911 Eddie and Eva were married.

Eddie and Eva were professional miniature portrait painters.

Edward Wm Carlson: Texas, Select County Marriage Index

Tragically, Eva died at only 46 years of age of stomach cancer in 1926 in Texas.

Eva Dorchester Carlson: Texas, Death Certificate

When Edward and Eva had passed away their daughter Marjorie attended boarding schools, eventually ending up at a boarding school in Fort Worth, Texas.

Eva was born and died in Sherman, Texas. She is buried in West Hill Cemetery at Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, USA.

Eva R Dorchester Carlson grave

Eddie died in Sawyer, Michigan.

The death of Eva's mother and father was hard on Marjorie. Marjorie's daughter, May Semmes, had this to day about this (1988):

Our mother (Marjorie Nellie) was quite young (around 12) when her mother and father died; and it was so painful and devasting to her that she blocked everything completely out of her mind. Mind you she was an only child and as I understand it, both Eva and Edward were both deaf and dumb. So she must have led a very lonesome childhood.

Edward and Eva were professional miniature portrait painters (my mother has quite a few of the paintings around the house and they are exquisite), met at art school and lived in Chicago. After her parents died, she went to boarding schools and ended up at one in Fort Worth, Texas; her grandfather Dorchester lived in Sherman, Texas where he was president of the local bank.

I don't remember my mother ever talking about her parents; but I remember a large portrait of Grandmother Eva hung over our fireplace when I was young (maybe Grandfather Edward painted it - I'm not sure). Must sound bizarre; in retrospect it is unusual my mother never spoke of her parents. My fraternal grandmother told me everything I know about them; I never questioned my mother.

Letter from May Semmes to Lennart Holmquist (1988)

See also:

Edward William Carlson: the Artist

Edward William Carlson Documents

1.1.1. Marjorie Nellie Carlson (December 3, 1913 - May 11, 2006) married Joseph Baumer Semmes (June 18, 1906 - July 22, 1976) on August 25, 1934 and lived in Dallas, Texas. Marjorie passed away in Dallas.

Marjorie Carlson Semmes: Obituary

Marjorie and Joseph had five children who were Ann, May, Hellen, Jane, Melinda and John.

For descendants of Marjorie and Joseph see the appropriate section of the following web page:

Menny Holmquist Family

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1.2. Enoch Carlson (January 4, 1887 - July 22, 1946) married Edna Mae Bollinger (June 15, 1890(?) - February 8, 1962 ) who was from Donaldson, Indiana. Enoch was born in Illinois, possibly Sterling. Enoch was a farmer, possibly taking over the farm from his father. The farm was on the Kankakee River near Crumstown. Crumstown is near South Bend, Indiana. He may have also owned or worked for a trucking business where he was pinned under a load in a work accident.

Enoch's daughter-in-law, Regina has this to say about Enoch:

When Enoch was 8 years old (about 1895) the family returned to Sweden for a visit. Enoch got into mischief in Sweden by playing a prank regarding an aunt. The family was very upset about this incident so Enoch had to be very careful about how to behave for the remainder of their visit. This certain incident was told and re-told to Edna, Enoch's wife and their children. This 'tale' caused a lot of laughing within the family. [We don't know what this tale was.]

As a young man, Enoch was employed at a paint factory in Illinois. The family blamed the 'factory' for Enoch's TB illness.

I do not know where or how Enoch met Edna, his future wife. Enoch and Edna lived on a farm on or near a town Crumstown, Indiana, near South Bend. While on the farm Enoch hunted ducks and also did a lot of trapping on the river. Muskrats were the main catch. He also trapped a few mink which meant a little more money. He would skin the animals and sell the fur.

Russell followed his father's footsteps a did a lot of trapping too when he became older. Russell (born 1913), Ruby (born 1915) and Harold (born 1918) all were born on this river if I'm not mistaken.

This farm was a sharecropper farm owned by a Mr. Steinberg. The Muskegon River was infested by rattlesnakes. I heard many stories regarding the snakes. One goes like this, Edna was working in the hay barn pitching hay with a 'pitch fork' (Russell called it a 'hay fork'). A rattlesnake appeared out of nowhere. Edna stabbed the snake with the fork.

While in the hospital Enoch had surgery, a procedure called 'collapsed lung.' When he was recuperating he kept busy doing different kinds of handicraft. He made a leather 'bill fold', he made a print of the 'B 24' bomber plane which was manufactured at the Henry Ford Bomber Plant in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The bombers were involved in the War (1942 to 1945). Russell worked there during the war years. Edna, his mother, and Harold also worked there. Ruby worked at the bomber plant during one summer. They lived in a temporary housing unit in Dearborn. (This is where 'Rosie the Riveter' was born, that is in regards to the bomber plant).

Back to Enoch: He also created a flat-fish lure with two tails made of wood and painted. Russell hung them up in our utility room. Russell tried them out. Don't know if he caught any fish with them.

In 1944 Enoch was released from the hospital. He paid us a visit here on Kingston. This was during Thanksgiving holiday. We all had a beautiful Thanksgiving with our 25 lb turkey. 'We all' included Russell, Regina, Judy, Jerry, Kenny, and Enoch, Edna, Ruby and Harold.

Enoch kept up with the world news. During his visit he took a street car to downtown Detroit to the Fisher Theater to hear Lowell Thomas broadcast the news. Lowell Thomas was a famous newscaster.

When Russell and I were expecting our first child, Enoch would greet us by saying, "How's Petee?" The stork delivered 'Judy' instead of 'Petee' but Enoch would tease and say, "How's Petee?" He loved Judy but loved to tease.

He was a wonderful man. Calm and easy going in spite of his serious illness.

Enoch and his cousin John T. Holmquist were life-long friends and hunting buddies. Enoch's father and John's father had farms close to one another.

Enoch eventually died of tuberculosis (TB). John T. and his son Bud Holmquist visited Enoch in a sanatarium two to three years before he died. Bud said that Enoch was not in very good shape even then.

Bud remembered Enoch as being a kind man and was nice to Bud when he was a boy.

He and Edna are buried in Donaldson, Plymouth, Indiana.

1.2.1. Russell Bollinger Carlson (August 1, 1913 - September 23, 1994) married Regina M. Pesarski (August 8, 1920 -). Russell was born in West Township, Marshall County, Indiana and lived with his parents and brother and sister on a farm on the Kankakee River near Crumstown. Russell used to joke that he was a 'crumb from Crumstown'.6

Russell moved to the city after the depression. He was a machine repairman at Ford Motor Company (only seven miles from the main Rouge plant) where he was employed for 40 years. He used to hunt in the fall and fish in the summer, and also kept two large gardens.7

Regina was a school secretary for 25 years. She likes antique pottery, fishing, and the outdoors. Russell and Regina had three children, Judith, Gerald and Kenneth.

For more informaion on this branch of the family see the appropriate section in the following web page:

Menny Holmquist Family

See also: Menny the Wife of a Swedish Mechanic from 'Cicago'. If you need a user name and password email

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1.2.2. Ruby Mae Carlson (June 6, 1915 - September 29, 1997) was born in Hamlet, Indiana.8

Ruby graduated in 1938 from Indiana Central College, and taught school for 34 years - 17 years in Marshall County, 5 years in St. Joe, and 12 years in Starke, Indiana.9 She was a member of the Indiana Teachers Association and the Donaldson Evangelical Covenant Church.

She retired on disability with rheumatoid arthritis. Her hobbies included painting, poetry and stray dogs (by her own admission).

1.2.3. Harold Francis Carlson (May 16, 1918 - June 10, 1961). Harold worked for the Ford Motor Company in Detroit, Michigan as a Foreman and worked for the Studebaker Co. in South Bend, Indiana. Harold is buried at the Oakhill Cemetery, Plymouth, Indiana.

1.3. Amanda Emelia Carlson (September 26, 1889 - July 1, 1948) married Victor Emmanuel Charn (October 17, 1889 - March 31, 1963). The Swedish spelling of the name "Charn" was "Kjörn."

In the 1900 census Amanda's name is recorded as 'Manda'. By that time the family was living in Indiana.

Amanda was only about 14 when her mother died. The eldest of two girls it was left to her to take care of her younger siblings. Amanda was originally from Donaldson (the Grovertown area), Indiana.

Victor and Amanda were married in January 1918, possibly on the eighth in Chicago, Illinois and possibly at the Drake Hotel. When Victor was still single he worked in a piano factory in Rockford, Illinois his hometown. After Victor and Amanda were married his profession was cabinet making and carpentry. There are many homes in Harbert, Michigan which he built.

Shortly after their marriage Victor was drafted and spent several months in France and Germany during World War I. While he was overseas Amanda probably stayed in Indiana and keeping house for her father.

Amanda and Victor moved to Sawyer, Michigan from Chicago in 1928.

Amanda is buried at Riverside Cemetery Three Oaks, Berrien County, Michigan, USA.

1.3.1. Virginia Linnea Charn (March 2, 1920 -) married John Harold Olson (September 30, 1904 -November 29, 1977) on October 24, 1942. Virginia later married Herbert Per Seeder (July 31, 1906 -) on November 30, 1985. After John's death Virginia worked in the Harbert Swedish Bakery for 8 years shaping the dough into coffee cakes, rolls, etc in preparation for baking. She also frequently waited on customers up in the store on weekends. John was an electrical contractor.

Herb is a retired landscape gardener. Virginia and Herb often worked on their own gardens, and spend time in the winter months traveling in the U.S.

Virginia was born in Chicago, Illinois. Her family lived in Chicago from about 1918 to 1928.

Virginia's name "Virginia Linnea" was given to her by he?:?Ä??????--??B?∞r, Mary. Mar?:S@d expressed her wish that if Mother had a daughter that she would name her Virginia Linnea. Tragically Mary died a few days before Virginia was born and her funeral being on the day that Virginia was born.

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Menny Holmquist Family

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1.3.2. Arlene Bernice Charn (August 28, 1926 -) married Bernard Alec Lindquist (September 11, 1948 -).

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Menny Holmquist Family

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1.3.3. Lillian Leona Charn (April 24, 1935 -) married Albert Henry Schaffer II (July 13, 1934 -) on August 21, 1954. Al taught math and coached basketball in Michigan for 31 years before moving to California and again taught math and coached basketball. He has been elected to the Michigan High School Basketball Coaches Hall of Fame, and has been picked as Michigans 1988 nominee for the National Coach of the Year.

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Menny Holmquist Family

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Lillian Broman &
Esther (Carlson) Lovgren
Click Image

1.4. Esther Dorothy Carlson (December 3, 1895 - October 21, 1964) married David George Lovgren (July 23, 1892 - May ?, 1973) of Donaldson, Indiana on May 30 1917.10 In 1948 they were living in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. See A Brief Family Tree.

Esther had a good friend Lillian Broman Newberg. We do not yet know if they were related. They were in the same Swedish Convenant Confirmation class in 1910 camera along with Edna Newberg Peterson, Gunnard Newberg, Hildur Carlson Trease, Mabel Challman, Reverand Claus Youngren, Olga Larson and Ruth Youngren.

Esther is buried at the Riverside Cemetery Three Oaks, Berrien County, Michigan, USA.

1.4.1. Esther Lovina Lovgren (October 8, 1923 -) married James Martin Bihlmire (February 14, 1920 - April 14, 1971 -) in Ohio on June 6, 1952. Lovina later married William Lee Jones, Jr. (December 26, 1920 - May 12, 1977) on March 26, 1960. Lovina graduated from Michigan State University.

1.4.2. Melvin Emanuel Lovgren (March 24, 1930 -) married Stella Joyce Spicka (March 3, 1934 -July 23, 1976) on March 31, 1956 in Chicago, Illinois. Melvin graduated from Western Michigan College. Stella graduated from Northwestern at Evanston, Illinois and received a Masters degree at Western Michigan. Stella was a Physical Education instructor in the River Valley Schools in Indiana (possibly in the Bridgeman School District.)

Melvin's Obituary says:

Melvin E. Lovgren, 78, of Lakeside, Michigan died Friday morning, August 8, 2008. Mel was born March 24, 1930 in Harbert, Michigan to David and Esther ﴾Carlson﴿ Lovgren. He

He served his country as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army.

Mel earned his Bachelor Degree from Western Michigan University where he was member of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity.

On March 31, 1956, Mel married Stella Spencer in Cicero, Illinois. He was a self employed Industrial Fabrics Salesman, retiring in the 1980’s. Mel enjoyed wintering in Ft. Myers, Florida. He was a member of the Harbert Community Church and the Prairie Club. Survivors include his children, Carl Lovgren of St. Petersburg, Florida; Burt ﴾Andrea﴿ Lovgren of Loomis, California; Heidi ﴾John﴿ Castelamare of Port Richey, Florida and Melinda ﴾Keith﴿ Anderson of Huntsville, Alabama; and his grandchildren, Troy and Alex Lovgren; Kelly, Parker, Austin and Chris Anderson; and Brittany and Brooke Castelamare. He was preceded in death by his wife, Stella on 1978/23/7"">July 23, 1978; brother, Alden in 2001 and his sister Esther Lovina Jones in 2006.

Melvin Lovgren Obituary

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Menny Holmquist Family

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1.4.3. David Alden Lovgren (March 29, 1938 - June 4, 2001). David, a victim of Down Syndrome lived with his sister Lovina. Of Davie, Lovina writes, "He lives with me all of the time. He really is a joy!"11

Alden was a member of Harbert Community Church in Harbert, Michigan.He lived in Lakeside, Michigan during the summer months and in Fort Myers Beach, Florida during the winter.12

1.5. Arvid Bernard Carlson (February 11, 1897 - September 25, 1955) married Eva Marie Snyder (July 24, 1902 - May 19, 1984) who was from Tyner, Indiana on August 23, 1923 in South Bend, Indiana.

Arvid and Eva's wedding was performed by Rev. William E. Atteberry and attendants were her father Noah Augusta Snyder and her mother Almedia [Jones] Snyder.13

1.5.1. John Auburn Carlson (March 24, 1925 - March 26, 1925). John died only 2 days of age in Donaldson, Indiana.

1.5.2. Regina Almedia Carlson (May 26, 1926 -).

1.5.3. Bernetha Althea Carlson (August 30, 1928 - April 20, 1983) married John Homer Hull (September 20,1927 -) on March 15, 1952. Bernetha was born in Tyner, Indiana. John has remarried to Essie.

For more informaion on this branch of the family see the appropriate section in the following web page:

Menny Holmquist Family

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1.5.4. Martha Lois Carlson (December ?, 1930 - January ?, 1931). Died in Lakeville, Indiana.

1.5.5. Alan Lamar Carlson (September 15, 1937 -) married Judith [Judy] Ann Frame (September 20, 19?? -) on May 29, 1965.

For more informaion on this branch of the family see the appropriate section in the following web page:

Menny Holmquist Family

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1.6. John Auburn Carlson ( - 1925). Died in Donaldson, Indiana. John owned a farm in back of Johannes Holmquist farm near South Bend, Indiana.

1.7. Unknown. Died young.

1.8. Unknown. Died young.

Contact me, Len Holmquist, at if you have corrections, additions, photos or questions.

Kontaktera mej, Lennart Holmquist ( om, du har något som
behövs ändras, har frågor, eller photon, eller något annat som du kommer ihåg om vår familj !


  1. In John T. Holmqusit's A Brief Family Tree, he writes that they moved to Donaldson around the year 1900.

  2. This cemetery is now apparently in disuse. Letters to the cemetery in the 1980s were unanswered. This may have been a Swedish Lutheran Cemetery.

  3. Marie's date of birth has been given as both May 20, 1857 and July 30, 1854, and her date of death in the year 1903 and 1906.

  4. Eva died in Texas about 1925 and Eddie died in Sawyer, Michigan.

  5. None of the Lambert children have middle names.

  6. In American English a 'crumb' is a mildly derogatory term.

  7. Russell died of bladder cancer and heart failure in Dearborn Michigan at the age of 81. Services were held at the Hackett-Metcalf Funeral Home in Dearborn on Monday, September 26, 1994 at 1:00 PM. Reverend Richard Danielak officiated.

  8. Ruby passed away at St. Joseph Hospital of Marshall County. Funeral Services were held October 2, 1997 at Van Gilder Funeral Home. Rev. Mary Miller of the Evangelical Covenant Church officiated. Burial was at the New Oak Hill Cemetery in Plymouth. Her place of residence was 222 Parkview Street, Plymouth, Indiana.

  9. Specifically Ruby taught one year at Donaldson school, twelve years at Washington Township School, one year at North Liberty School, one at Admore School, three years at Lakeville School, and twelve at West High School.

  10. Last known address of Dave was 1112 18th West, Bradenton, Florida

  11. Letter from Lovina Jones to Lennart Holmquist, February 5, 1997.

  12. According to his obituary "Alden . . . died suddenly at his home." "Survivors include: his sister, Lovina Jones of Lakeside; his brother Melvin Lovgren of Florida; nieces and nephews Carl Lovgren of Florida, Burt and Andrea Lovgren of California, Melinda and Dr. Keith Anderson of Alabama, Heidi and John Castelamare of Florida; and three great-nieces and five great-nephews." Quoted from a newspaper clipping, no name and no date. Alden is buried at Riverside Cemetery, Chikaming Township, Michigan.

  13. Marie's last known address was 742 S. Michigan St., Plymouth IN 46563.

Trufvid & Elin Holmquist

Trufvid & Elin's Descendants
Johan & Family
Gustav & Family
Kristina & Family
Menny & Family
Johannes & Family
August & Family
Anna & Family

Elin's Ancestors
Johanna Pedersdotter 1570
Bente Gammalsdotter 1581
Elna Sonesdotter1604

Trufvid's Ancestors
Elin Samuelsdotter 1711
Trufvid Håkansson 1743

Adele Shinholt
Bernard Holmquist
Eleanor Holmquist
Emma Holmquist
Esther Holmquist
Johannes Holmquist
John T. & Ruth Holmquist
Lennart Holmquist
Oscar Nelson
Rex Shinholt
Richard Holmquist
Trufvid Holmquist
Waldemar & Nellie Holmquist
Wilhelm Holmquist

Swedes in Chicago

Swanson Family

Holmquist Family Emigration to America

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Updated: 19-Apr-2020

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