Day Family Bibliography¶
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by Lennart Holmquist
The following bibliography may aid research of the Day family in Person County, North Carolina, USA.
Caswell County, 1777-1877: Historical Abstracts of Minutes of Caswell County, North Carolina
Author: Katharine Kerr Kendall
Contributors North Carolina. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions (Caswell Co.), Caswell County (N.C.).
Board of Commissioners Edition reprint
Publisher Kendall, 1976 Length
179 pages
Person County, North Carolina, Deed Books, 1792-1825, Books 1792-1825
Author: Katharine Kerr Kendall
Clearfield Company, 2012
262 pages
Person County, North Carolina Compilations: Land Grants; 1794, 1805 and 1823 Tax Lists; Record Books Abstracts, 1792-1820; Letters of Attorney Author: Katharine Kerr Kendall, Mary Frances Kerr Donaldson, Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997 - Law - 148 pages.
Contains references to Day, Tapp, Bumpass, and Winstead, which are all names of families found on his page. However, the diffculty is determining if these names are connected to the particular Day family here. Apparently, this publication, more or less, cites original documents in the Office of Archives and History at Raleigh, North Carolina. See also their Family History & Genealogy.
Caswell County, North Carolina Deed Books, 1817-1840: Abstracts
Author: Katharine Kerr Kendall
Caswell County, North Carolina, Will Books 1777-1814: 1784 Tax List
Katharine Kerr Kendall, Mary Frances Kerr Donaldson
Caswell County, North Carolina, Marriage Bonds, 1778-1868
Katharine Kerr Kendall, Kendall
Preview: This is a collection of all 5,700 extant marriage bonds for Caswell County from 1778 to 1868. Each entry identifies the bride and groom, the date of the bond, and the name of the bondsman or witness.
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