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(1917) Edith Graduates

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Edith graduated from school in Chefoo about 1917. The war was not yet over, so she and Margaret remained at home in Kiaohsien for some time.

[To see Edith Rinell's photo album dated 1916 click on Photo Album of Edith Rinell 1916.]


Missionaries Arrival to China from Sweden


Egron Rinell & Chinese Language Teacher

Egron arrived back in China from Sweden via Denmark and the United States along with other Swedish Baptist missionaries returning to China: Reverend and Mrs Leander with their daughter Anna-Stina and son Yngve and Miss Nina Fredriksson.

Soon after his arrival Egron became, at only twenty-three years of age, the principal of the higher education [for all schools in the mission?]. At that time the schools became coeducational. [Len - verify this. Chapter 1929 says they became co-educational in that year]. He also started formal Chinese language lessons. Egron spoke Chinese, but he needed to improve his formal Chinese, and his reading of Chinese. [Assumption on my part the Egron started formal Chinese language lessons. One assume, so esp. considering the photo on this page. Plus someone else did the same thing. (Oscar?]

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Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017