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Audio Video Dolor Documents Volunteer

by Lennart Holmquist

History of Swedes in Illinois. Ernst W. Olson, editor.

Swedes [in Chicago]. Anita Olson Gustafson. Encyclopedia of Chicago.

Sweden they left - the Sweden we visit. Hansen, Henry. 1985. Publisher unknown.

Contact me, Len Holmquist, at if you have corrections, additions, photos or questions.

Kontaktera mej, Lennart Holmquist ( om, du har något som
behövs ändras, har frågor, eller photon, eller något annat som du kommer ihåg om vår familj !


Trufvid & Elin Holmquist

Trufvid & Elin's Descendants
Johan & Family
Gustav & Family
Kristina & Family
Menny & Family
Johannes & Family
August & Family
Anna & Family

Elin's Ancestors
Johanna Pedersdotter 1570
Bente Gammalsdotter 1581
Elna Sonesdotter1604

Trufvid's Ancestors
Elin Samuelsdotter 1711
Trufvid Håkansson 1743

Adele Shinholt
Bernard Holmquist
Eleanor Holmquist
Emma Holmquist
Esther Holmquist
Johannes Holmquist
John T. & Ruth Holmquist
Lennart Holmquist
Oscar Nelson
Rex Shinholt
Richard Holmquist
Trufvid Holmquist
Waldemar & Nellie Holmquist
Wilhelm Holmquist

Swedes in Chicago

Swanson Family

Holmquist Family Emigration to America

2010-20 Kristofer & Lennart Holmquist • About WebsiteBiblio

Updated: 19-Apr-2020

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