List of Weihsien pho#374BBC

Legend to photographsfound at

** On March 27, 2008**

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Weihsien photographs

** Chefoo groups: fromDavid Mitchell** 1) 25 Browniesoutside #13

2) Camp Band

3) Chefoo Prep School Children, David Mitchell back left

4) Rovers and Rangers 20 in all, outside # 13

5) 18 Rangers

6) 36 Rovers and Rangers, outside #12/13

7) Scouts and Cubs

8) 17 Cubs & Leader

9) 25 Girl Guides & 2 Leaders outside #13

10) 8 Scouts

11) 16 Scouts & Leaderoutside #13

12) Arrival in Tsingtao &boarding buses for Edgewater Mansions Hotel by Chefoo students

13) Tsingtao arrival by trainSeptember 25

** Others from DavidMitchell:** 14) Camp Church

15) Market after end of Waroutside front gate

16) Girl near #18

17) Supplies being droppedSept. 1945

18) Block 23, parachute drop

19) Block 23

20) Eric LiddellÍs room (andEric Liddell?)

21) Eric LiddellÍs grave

** From Ida Talbot:** 22) Over looking camp from Block 23 tower

23) Over looking camp, 3figures in foreground

24) Milling crowds 32) Idaand 4 friends 1945

** From Ida Talbot/DavidMitchell:** 25) Kitchen II

26) 4 unidentified people byCamp Gate

27) Road Outside Camp

28) Searchlight Tower

29) Camp Hospital

30) Hospital and walls

31) Camp Bell War Block

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