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(1922) Hellen Graduates from Seminary

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Bethel Serminary Students
Reading the Wecko Posten
Lisa & David Colldén
reading together in back row
Hellen Colldén front row right

Hellen graduated from Bethel Seminary in Stockholm (confirm the date). This was quite an accomplishment. She had not even graduated high school. She had to work to help bring in money ore the family after her father had died. In her same class many fellow students decided to go into foreign missions. Sten Lindberg, Titti Schlyter, Dollan Swedberg-Strutz and herself decided to go into missions in China. Ebba Berglund-Carlsson, Iris Engbom and Anna Lisa Karlsson-Svärd chose the Congo. In another class Edit Andersson-Skoglund also decided for China missions and Hellen's brother David and his future wife Lisa, Ester Ericson, Lisa Högfelth all decided for Congo missions.


Hellen Colldén in forefront left
with Fingspong Lasarett Hospital
Collegues Circa 1922


Afterwards she attended an intensive nursing course in the Finspångs Lasarett. There she had the privilege to study under Dr. Ollén and Headnurse [the Swedish word is översköterska] Maja who was a candidate for the Mongolian Mission.

In America the sisters Margaret and Edith graduated from The Mounds Park Sanitarium at the First Swedish Baptist Church, St. Paul Minnesota on Wednesday, May 3rd.

In China

Meanwhile in China the work continued to grow. The mission opened and orphanage in Zhucheng.

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Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017