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(1911) Egron Travels to Sweden

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Egron left China for Sweden in 1911 to attend seminary.

When the Manchu rule was thrown off in 1911, all Chinese males were ordered to cut their pigtails, a symbol of subservience to the late Manchu rulers.

Miss Matilda Persson,1 midwife and missionary trained in Sweden, joined the staff in Chucheng. [maybe move to chapter 1910]. Besides her skills as a midwife she also took care of many other medical problems being often the most experienced medical person for many miles. Often someone would come to her home and ask her to come with them to some distant village to heal someone.


Hedvig Rinell
Possibly with Bible Students

Hedvig began a two year women's Bible course which became an important part of the mission's outreach to the community. Courses for teachers and evangelists lasting for a couple of weeks were also held in the summer at different mission stations.

  1. One of her orphan girls also married Hedvig's cook's son.

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Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017