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Includes data I do not want to put into the book - at least at this time or data I need to include later.

Reinbrecht, Georgeanna. Born: February 7, 1933 at Faber Krankenhaus, Tsingtao. The Rinell and Reinbrech got together once, twice or three times a year. Either at their mission or the Rinell mission - perhaps two out of three times at the Rinell mission. However, Georgie Reinbrecht and Johnny Rinell played together, and Janet Reinbrecht and Lally Rinell spent time together.

2/27/08 Georgie emailed the following:

I was Georgie and and my husband before he died started calling me Georgie and swore he would end up with Georgeanna because it was a pretty name. I have a few friends from way back when who still call me that. My parents always did, too heard to change.
We dated older men. They came if had a date. I was 15 and Janet 17 and we were allowed to date sailors or marines if we double-dated. They were 18-19 years old. In fact one of them called about 2 months ago and we are going to try to get together int he spring. He said he heard about a reunion Tsingtao American School had in Virgina and got my name from that. Said he had worried about us for 60 years and prayed that we had excaped soon enough. We had dated maybe 2-3 times. He sent me a picture of himself from way back then - looks about 15!!!! we thought they were amazing, heck uniform and older!!!!
We vcame back in 47 -Jan 49, Janet had gone home after to graduation in June 48, to college.
We also had gone to the school, which is still a school before the war. I have a picture of us in the yard (and have been to that schoolsince) in uniforms. We were really little then.

Later, ask Georgie for the contact information of that sailor to get more info in the Navy being in Tsintao during this time.

Oscar Rinell Quote: "The Rinells are like hard boiled eggs - white on the outside and yellow on the inside."

All the Lindberg children went to the school in Chefoo according to Lally.

Johan Alfred and Hedvig sailed on the Victoria to China. See if you can find a photo of this ship to put in Chapter 1893.

Check to see if Baptist General Conference (BGC) has papers of Lindberg.

The following was written by Hedvig Rinell in her Memoirs, but was crossed out. Dollan translated it anyway. However, we do not know where to place it chronologically in the book. However, this was probably when Hedvig was still unmarried and living in Sweden.

"I lived with Karl and Maria Engren where I continued my work. One day the [old?] Johanssons and Palmquist visited the Engrens. What they talked about I don't know, but after a while they came out to me and layed hands on my head and said a sweet prayer from the heart for me. What a memory!"

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Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017