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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sic Amet Consectetur

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So many people who have contributed to this book that we can not possibly list all their names here. Certain individuals though have contributed in significant ways and I would like to thank them for their help. I thank Dollan Rinell for her invaluable translations and stories of life in China and Sweden, and Lally Rinell and Margie (Jonell) Rinell for contributions of information. Dollan and Lally provided significant help in the identification of family and mission photographs. Many people and places would remain mysteries withouth their help. Thanks also goes to John Rinell for his interview of a harrowing time in the countryside of China. Wilhelm Matzat provided apprecaited corrections and additional information, especially regarding the German presence in Shantung. Thanks to Sten Lindberg use of his publication memoirs. Bo Svartholm provided corrections and valuable details.

Thanks also goes to Mrs. (Vingren) Gearhart for use of her books on J. Hudson Taylor and for early photographs of Vingren and others in China. Georgeanna Reinbrecht provided very useful information on her family and their time in Kiaohsien and arrest and internment by the Japanese.

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! Chapter

Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

web page updated: 23-Jun-2013