(1919) Sisters to America¶
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Travels after the War¶
Empress of Russia
circa 1920s
After the war ended in 1918 travel restrictions were relaxed Margaret and Edith took the first available ship, a Canadian ship, Empress of Russia , for North America. The ship was used as a troop transport during the war.
Hedvig and Johan Alfred were on the SS Stockholm.
Hellen Colldén¶
Hellen Teaches
Her Brother Daniel
Circa 1919
Now 20 years old Hellen Colldén worked in her sister's bakery in Göteborg and later started her own bookbinding business. A committed Christian she had been wondering what else she could do with her life. Her family had always been interested in the work of preaching the Word of God to the unsaved in foreign lands. During the high festivals1 (högtider) her mother asked a few missionaries or pastors home as guests although their place was small and therefore, with guests, it was crowded.
Hellen's older siblings were teachers in the Sunday School and were junior leaders. They also donated gifts and prayed for foreign missions. At the beginning the family had no idea that Hellen's twin brother, David, "harbored a missionary call" as she put it. Hellen became impressed with the importance of serving God in missions during church services and mission conferences. "It was mainly the missionaries' inspiring talks that I felt a calling to become a China missionary."
Both Hellen and her brother decided to go to seminary. Their mother had no financial means to pay for both of the twins to go on for more education.2 David did go on to high school. His job in Svenska Kullager Fabriken (SKF), a factory in Göteborg that made ball bearings 3 and the business wanted him to learn Russian so that he could work in Russia.
[Above 2 paragraphs or parts of them should probably go into year 1920, because David did not tell his family what was on his mind till then.]
Before her time in Bethel Seminary Hellen had a time of preparation by the evangelist Ida [sp? - first name unclear in document but probably Ida] Andersson [from the] west coast area. Hilda Hassel, a very knowledgeable evangelist, was the leader for their Christian meeting and activity.
Pastor Viktor Hugo 4 on behalf of Linnéakyrkan (Linnéa church) to Bethel Seminary [more text]. Besides the two year mission courses Hellen took extra classes at the same time in mission history from teacher Anders Olof Hammar, and English language from Pastor Hellström's daughter Mia. [Vikor Hugo (870 - 1926) was pastor of Linnéakyrkan from 1917-1922.
In China Kaomi's first medical clinic opened.
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What are 'high' festivals in Sweden. Do these have to do with religion oriented holidays?
Dollan thinks that possibly Ester, Ruth, Ebba and Ludde and the church put up the money.
Dollan does not know what SKF is.
Dollan doesn't know who he is.
- Read This
- Acknowledgements
- Background
- Forward
- (1866-88) Beginnings
- (1888-90) Bethel Seminary
- (1891) Johan & Hedvig Engaged
- (1892) God's Prophet
- (1893) Out to this Far Off Land
- (1894) Sailing to China
- (1895) Escape to Chefoo
- (1896) A New Home
- (1897) Germans Take Tsingtao and Kiaochow
- (1898) Margaret Born
- (1899) Twins Born in Sweden
- (1900) Boxer Rebellion
- (1901) Oscar's Childhood
- (1902) Oscar to Boarding School
- (1903) Girl's School Begins
- (1904) Lindberg Children off to Boarding School
- (1905) First Baptism Chucheng
- (1906) Furlough in Sweden
- (1907) Edith to Boarding School
- (1908) Another Missionary
- (1909) Church in Wangtai
- (1910) First Clinic in Kiaochow
- (1911) Egron Travels to Sweden
- (1912) Oscar Leaves Boarding School
- (1913) Church Consecrated in Kiaochow
- (1914) Oscar Attends Seminary
- (1915) Journey Overland
- (1916) Girls School in Chucheng
- (1917) Edith Graduates
- (1918) Conscientious Objector
- (1919) Sisters to America
- (1920) Oscar Meets Hellen
- (1921) Oscar & Hellen Engaged
- (1922) Hellen Graduates
- (1923) Oscar & Hellen Marry
- (1924) Hunting Rabbits
- (1925) A Son is Born
- (1926) Meeting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen?
- (1927) Margaret & Roy Jewett Married
- (1928) Fighting in Kiaochow
- (1929) Peace Again in Kiaochow
- (1930) Fighting Near Kiaochow
- (1931) Oscar Leaves Göteborg University
- (1932) Poppies and War in Shantung
- (1933) First Chinese Pastor Steps Down
- (1934) Sports, Severed Heads & a Mission Conference
- (1935) Successful Mission Schools
- (1936) Sacred Aspen
- (1937) Travels to America and Sweden
- (1938) Japanese Take Tsingtao
- (1939) Sharks Attack Officer
- (1940) New Pastors for Chinese Churches
- (1941) Passing of Johan Alfred
- (1942) Blomdahl Shot
- (1943) Piano Lessons
- (1944) Lally & Dollan Baptized
- (1945) Peace & War
- (1946) Liberation
- (1947) Communists Attack Kiaohsien
- (1948) Dollan Emigrates to America
- (1949) Hedvig Leaves China
- (1950) Hellen Leaves China
- (1951) Last One Out
- (1952) Sweden Again
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Named Persons
- Place Names
- Organizations
- Addresses
- Audio & Visual Recordings
- International Cemetery
- Passenger Lists
Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
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Updated: 10-Feb-2017