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Rinell Family

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Johan Alfred & Hedvig & their Descendants

by Lennart Holmquist

Johan Alfred and Hedvig were missionaries. All their children were born in China.


Hedvig and Johan Alfred Rinell
Kiaohsien, China
May 1940

1. Johan Alfred (Johansson) Rinell (November 27, 1866 - July 3, 1941) married Hedvig Lovisa Jansson (October 12, 1867 - August 17, 1962). Johan Alfred was born on the farm Krokebo near the city of Mjöby to a farming family. His last name was originally Johansson, but he changed it to a derivation of the name of the parish where he was from, Rinna.

According to Edith Rinell, Johan Alfred did not want to become a farmer so moved to Vadstena where he attended school, and afterward to Betelseminariet (Bethel Seminary) in Stockholm.

Apparently, Johan Alfred at at least three sisters and two brothers, one who died young.

Johan Alfred passed away in China and Hedvig passed away in Sweden.

Johan Alfred Rinell Biography

For more information on the life and times of the Rinell family in China see:

Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951

For information on Johan Alfred's parents see:

Johansson Family: Johan Petter & Greta

For Information on Hedvig's family see:

Ersson Family: Jan & Johanna Ersson & Descendants

For official Swedish records regarding the Rinell family in China see:


See the Rinell family's church in Sweden:

Rinna Kyrka

See also biographical notes, written apparently by Edith Rinell, of her father t Alfred Rinell, her sister Margaret Rinell and herself, Edith Rinell, written in the 3rd person.

1.1 Egron Gösta Rinell (May 15, 1894 - May 28, 1984) married Gerda Christina Ljungquist (July 16, 1899 - January 6, 1987) on April 28, 1928. Egron and Gerda passed away in Sweden. Egron and Gerda's children are Alice, John, and Margareta. In later years their postal address was Tiundagatan, 53 752 30, UPPSALA. They both passed away in 'Uppsala Helga Trefaldighet' (Uppsala Holy Trinity).

For more information on these children see:

Rinell Family: Alice Gerda Hermansson Branch

Rinell Family: John & Joan Rinell Branch

Rinell Family: Margareta Linnea Jonell Branch

1.2 Oscar Henry Rinell (April 7, 1896 - January 5, 1995) married Ida Hellen Louise Colldén (August 2, 1899 - March 3, 1991). Hellen passed away in Sweden. Oscar passed away at his cabin named Sulatorp which he had Hellen inherited from his son, Roy. Sulatorp lies a few kilometer outside the town of Björketorp, Sweden. The cabin was sold in December 2014.

Interview with Hellen Rinell in Swedish

Intervju med Hellen

For information of Hellen's health history, written by her daughter Doris Rinell (aka Holmquist, Brown) see:

Hellen Rinell's Health

For more information on Hellen's family see:

Colldén Family

1.2.1 Roy Henry Rinell (August 21, 1925 - May 28,1989) married Eva Lindort (July 30, 1933 - ). They were divorced on May 21, 1973. Roy and Eva had no children. Roy was born in China, and passed away at his cabin named Sulatorp, which lies outside the town of Björketorp, Rya 510 13, Sweden.

Roy Rinell Taxes

Roy Rinell Employment

1.2.2 Doris (Dollan) Hellen Rinell (July 10, 1928 - ) married Bernard (Bud, Bernie) John Holmquist (May 27, 1923 - ) a Swedish American and later Bill Brown. (???? - ). Doris was born in Tsingtao, China. Bud was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Doris and Bud had four children; Lennart, Meilynn, Carey and Carolynn (Cookie).

For more information on Bernard Holmquist's family and Doris and his descendants see:

Johannes the Frog Maker

For more information on Bud Holmquist specifically see:

Bernard John Holmquist

1.3 Margaret Ingeborg Rinell (June 5, 1898 - April 25, 1959) married Le Roy Jewett (March 27, 1894 - November 4, 1976). Margaret and Roy both passed away in California, USA. They had no children.

Margaret and Roy lived through the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Rinell Letters: Attack on Pearl Harbor, Sunday December 7, 1941

(1927) Margaret & Roy Jewett Married

See also:

Margaret and Roy Jewett

1.4 Edith Johanna Rinell (July 22, 1900 - December 8, 1995). Edith was born in China and became a naturalized American citizen on November 7, 1942 at the U.S. District Court of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her naturalization card states she was residing at Children's Hospital, 18th & Bainbridge Streets, Philadelphia, 46, Pennsylvania. (Naturalization Index Card)

Edith was a nurse.

Edith never married. Edith passed away in San Luis Obispo, California, USA. She is buried at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park, Los Osos, San Luis Obispo County, California, USA.

She had no children.

1.5 Eric Arthur Rinell (June 14, 1903 - July 16, 1978) married Pearl Sophia Jaaska (July 14, 1908 - 1990) Eric was born in China. In 1920 he was issued an Alien Certificate from the U.S. Department of Labor in 1920.

Eric became a U.S. citizen on November 6, 1936 through the Circuit Court, Marinette County, Wisconsin (Naturalization Index Card). He was living at 2433 Hall Avenue, Marinette, Wisconsin at the time.

Eric passed away in the USA and is buried in Plot: C-44-1 at Phelps Cemetery, Phelps, Vilas County, Wisconsin, USA. Pearl is also buried at Phelps Cemetery, Phelps Cemetery, Plot: C-44-1.

Eric and Pearl's children were John and William.

Rinell Family: John Eric Rinell Branch

Rinell Family: William Roger Rinell Branch


1 Information on dates of birth, death, divorce, etc., provided in 'Sveriges dödbok' or 'Sweden's Dead Book'. The following ID numbers were given: Egron Gösta Rinell 18940515-9311, Gerda Kristina 18990716-9321, Oscar Henry Rinell 18960407-9336, Ida Hellen Louise (namn som ogift framgår ej) 18990802-9300, Roy Henry Rinell 19250831-5419. The record given of Oscar and Hellen's wedding being November 23, 1923 is probably mistaken, and is due in part perhaps to the difficulty of communication between Sweden and China where they were married.

web page updated: 09-Jan-2016


Johansson & Descendants

Johan & Hedvig's Family

Doris Rinell Branch

Roy Rinell Branch

Alice Rinell Branch

John Egron Rinell Branch

Margareta Rinell Branch

John Eric Rinell Branch

William Rinell Branch

Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951


Descendants of Magnus Petri
Ersson Family
Jansson Family

©2010-16 Lennart Holmquist & Kristofer Holmquist Sic Amet • Consectetur Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur