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The following are mailing residences and/or addresses of individuals named in the book, and the specific or approximate date of the address.

The date(s) are taken from letters or other documents. Therefore, these individuals were most likely living at the address before and after the date.

However, in a few cases the address may simply be the place where the individual received their mail. For instance Roy Jewett had two mailing addresses at two different times at the Peking Union Medical College. It is not known if either address was simply a mailing address or that Roy was a resident at the college.

Jewett , LeRoy R.

October 29, 1919
37 New Hampshire Avenue
Somerville, Massachusetts
USA 35 Source: Passport of LeRoy R. Rinell

October 29, 1919
5 Sau Tiao Hutung Yu Wang Fu
Peking, China
USA 36 Source: Passport of LeRoy R. Rinell. Note: the words ' Sua Tiao Hutung' may be incorrect spellings. The handwriting on the passport is a bit difficult to read. A more definitive spelling may be obtained by examing and comparing other handwriting of Roy's.

August 1927
509 Audubon Road
Boston, Massachusetts
USA 38 Letter from the American Consular Service, Mexicali, Mexico to L.R. Jewett at 303 Haas Building, Los Angeles refering to an earlier correspondence in 1927 in which the address in Boston is given. It is unclear if the August 1927 date is the date of the official correspondence for the date of a letter from Roy Jewett.

September 15, 1927
40 North Compound
Peking Union Medical College
Peking, China

January 4, 1928
38 North Compound
Peking Union Medical College
Peking, China

November 26, 1928
Peking Union Medical College
Peking, China

November 29, 1928
455 North Formosa Avenue
Hollywood, California
USA 37 Source: Passport of LeRoy R. Jewett.

(Address above given by Roy as his address in the USA, but this was also the address of a J.R. Shackelford whose name Roy gave 'In case of death or accident'. Therefore, Roy may have never lived at this address. We don't know at this time who Shakelford was.)

February 17 - April 8, 1930
303 Haas Building
Los Angeles, California
Note: Margaret Jewett listed 303 Haas Building as her postal address on her 'Application for a Certificate of Arrival and Preliminary Form for Petition for Citizenship'.

July 3, 1935
Box 215 Weaverville

1939 or 1940 - January 31, 1942
[Honolulu?], Hawaii
(Roy and Margaret Rinell witnessed the attack by the Japanese on Hawaii We do not know yet where exactly their house as located.)

January 31, 1942
Barbers Point
Box 2459, Contractors
Honolulu, Hawaii Letter from Margaret Rinell to Edith Rinell, January 31, 1942.
(Roy and Margaret Rinell witnessed the attack by the Japanese on Hawaii We do not know yet where exactly their house was located. Margaret wrote in a letter her sister Edith Rinell on January 31, 1942 that she and Roy had moved three times in 19 months with another move expected.)

Date Unknown. Possibly 1970's.
55590 Hondo Street
Yucca Valley, California
USA 39 Address book belonging to Roy Jewett listing addrresses and telephone numbers of friends, relatives and other contacts. A newspaper clipping inside the address book gives a date of 1975.

See also addresses for Margaret Jewett.

Margaret Jewett

June 23 - September 2, 1930
1720 South Huntington Drive
South Pasadena, California
USA 26
(Above address may very well be the Los Angeles address noted below. South Pasadena is in the greater Los Angeles area).

1930, January 1 - October 16
Los Angeles, California
USA Source: Application for a Certificate of Arrival and Preliminary Form for Petition for Citizenship

October 17 - November 20 1930
Quartzite, Arizona
USA 27 Source: Application for a Certificate of Arrival and Preliminary Form for Petition for Citizenship

November 21, 1930 - February 28, 1931
560 North Kingsley Drive
Los Angeles, California
USA 28 Source: Application for a Certificate of Arrival and Preliminary Form for Petition for Citizenship

February 28, 1931
303 Haas Building
Los Angeles, California
USA 34 Margaret Jewett listed 303 Haas Building as her postal address on her 'Application for a Certificate of Arrival and Preliminary Form for Petition for Citizenship'.

December 2, 1935
Box 215
Weaverville, California
USA 30 _ _Source: Margaret's Certificate of Citizenship.

1939 or 1940 - January 31, 1942
[Honolulu?], Hawaii
(Roy and Margaret Rinell witnessed the attack by the Japanese on Hawaii We do not know yet where exactl their house as located. Margaret wrote in a letter her sister Edith Rinell on January 31, 1942 that she and Roy had moved three times in 19 months with another move expected.)Letter from Margaret Rinell to Edith Rinell, January 31, 1942.

Date Unknown. Possibly 1970's.
Yucca Valley, California
USA 39 Address book belonging to Roy Jewett listing addrresses and telephone numbers of friends, relatives and other contacts. A newspaper clipping inside the address book gives a date of 1975.

See also addresses for Roy Jewett.

Rinell, Edith

January 1942
5050 Dover Street
Oakland, California
USA Letter from Margaret Rinell to Edith Rinell, January 31, 1942.

Rinell, Egron & Gerda

Swedish Baptist Mission (SBM)
1 Jo Shinmachi, Kamikyo-ku

1960, p242

Rinell, Johan Alfred & Hedvig

- 1951
Tai-ping ghua RD, No 12
Iltus Huk
Tsingtao, Shantung

[summer home of the Rinell family]

Rinell, Oscar & Hellen

- 1946

Spaldingsgatan 5

[See letter from Oscar Rinell to Franz Jilenberger, Septembcr 7th.1952.]

- 1951
Swedish Baptist Mission
Kiaohsien, China

[Oscar lived in the house until about 1950 or 1951. Following a trip to Tsingtao the authorities would not allow him to return. House confiscated by the government.]

Beginning Oct.8th.1951
Lundgrensgatan 16
Göteborg, Sweden

September 1952
Källparksgatan 11 6 2 tr.

[See letter from Oscar Rinell to Franz Jilenberger, Septembcr 7th.1952.]

Swedish Baptist Mission (SBM)
637, Shinza-ike,
Hyogo-ken (23-2052)

According to:
Chapman, Gordon K., editor. The Japan Christian Yearbook 1965. Tokyo, Japan: The Christian Literature Society of Japan, 1960, p152. (Oscar listed as field representative).

Chapman, Gordon K., editor. The Japan Christian Yearbook 1965. Tokyo, Japan: The Christian Literature Society of Japan, 1965, p588.
1958 - p325
1960, p242

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Revised: 29-Jan-2017
Copyright© Lennart Holmquist,2007-12
All Rights Reserved


Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017