Re Chapter1953PianoTeacher

From: Dollan Brown

Date: August 25, 2007 12:19:36 PM EDT

To: Len

Subject: Re: Chapter 1953 Piano Teacher

Hejsan ! I took lessons from her for 6 years and quit ,I think , spring of 1944

Her house was stucko and a dirty cream ( Alll is " I think") She had a hall entrance where I hung my coat then I took a left and the piano was dead ahead Black upright Some furhiture on the right and ,I think a formal dining room ( long table chairs around it and a sideboard in back of that )

I did not take lessons during the summer which was a treat ! I guess Momo and Dad decided that I did not need her the year around !!!!!Herr house was high up on Tsingtao "hill" and I had to walk there

I'll try to reach you in a bit Thanks for trying to get hold of me I have been at Meimei's night before last DR's orders

Deine Mutter