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Allgemeine Evangelisch-Protestantische Missionsverein (AEPM)
aka Weimar Mission Society

When Tsingtao was created a German colony, not only the Berlin Mission but also the AEPM established in 1898 a mission station. Their compounds were neighbours. The missionaries of the AEPM or Weimar Mission were academics, they had studied theology at the university, and had a more liberal theology, whereas the Berlin Mission was in its creed more orthodox.Information supplied by Wilhelm Matzat.

Ernst Faber whom Faber Krankenhaus (Faber Hospital) was named after, was a member of this mission organization.

Berlin Missionary Society

See entry for Allgemeine Evangelisch-Protestantische Missionsverein (AEPM)

Betel folkhögskola [Betel College]
Stockholm Åkeshovsvägen 29
168 39 Bromma

Source documents for the Swedish Baptist Mission in China can be found here. Question asked of Lally Rinell "Of all the archived material, about what percentage is on the Swedish Baptist Mission in China?"

Her response was:

Of all the archived material, about what percentage is on the Swedish Baptist Mission in China? This I cannot answer. The China Mission was active in a period of 60 years (1891-1951) and some of it is spread in different files. There is a special section om China - not so big - but a lot of correspndence etc can be found under headings like The Mission board, Conference reports, Annual meetings, etc. So it is integrated into the other materials as well. However the section on China includes some unpublished manuscripts, accounts and letters and documents of different kinds, like the deeds for the mission property etc. Some few interesting maps. I found some letters from Oscar written during the last couple of years in China, before he had to ask for permission to leave the country. In a Japanese section there is information about when Egron was sent to Asia to find a new mission field, ending up in Japan. However this is only a small section of the otherwise rather big archive. It is not yet completely organized, but it is coming along. Some people are working hard to organize the photos from the home mission as well as from the international work. 43 Email from Lally Rinell to Lennart Holmquist, September 28, 2007).

On the same campus you also can find Teologiska högskolan , Stockholm, where pastors and teachers in religion study. Betel also has a master courses in Human Rights.

Board of World Missions, Baptist General Conference (formerly, Swedish Baptist Church of America, today Converge).

Dalagatan 9-11, Stockholm SWEDEN

Rui Hua History Museum (online)

Rui Hua History Museum (Printed)

Svenska Baptistsamfundet [Swedish Baptist Society] aka Swedish Baptist Mission

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Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017