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Burrows, Lansing, ed. American Baptist Yearbook 1893. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, n.d.

Brown, Doris. Interview of Doris Brown by Lennart Holmquist. December 2, 2007. Kingston, Washington, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Time: 00:25:45. Recorded on cell phone. File name: DorisBrown120207.

Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, The. Volume XXXVII. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1906.

Jansson, Martin. Kineser på himlavägen. "Martin wrote a book "Kineser på himlavägen", about the hearings and shootings that took place, focusing especially on Pastor Dong. This has been translated into Chinese, and parts of it (which are not so politically critical) have been translated into Chinese. Mariann, Martin's daughter, brought it to the family a couple of years ago. Part of the family now lives in Australia, and I guess they can have the complete story! Evidently the family has suffered even in later years and several of the younger generation are interested to leave the country." Lally Rinell. [The book is in the library of Lally Rinell].

Jonell, Margareta. "Biography of J. A. and Hedvig Rinell." One of three documents in a plastic ring-bound book. Very limited private printing by Margareta [Rinell] Jonell, Christmas 1985. Front blue thick paper cover contains John 3:16 in Chinese characters from the New Testament. [In library of LJH]

Lindberg, Sten. From my diary. Cheshire: Limited publication manuscript, 1987.

Lindberg, Sten. The origin and resources of ancestor-worship in China.[Book mentioned in Yin Ying's book co-translated by Lally Rinell. This may not be the exact title of the book, but rather the subject area.]

Lindberg, Sten. The Baptist Missionaries in China.[Book mentioned in Yin Ying's book co-translated by Lally Rinell. This may not be the exact title of the book, but rather the subject area.]

Lundin, C. G. Två missionsjubileer. [Two missionary anniversaries]. pages 40-46.

MacGillivray, D., editor. A century of Protestant Missions in China (1807-1907) being the centenary conference historical volume. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1907.

Martin, Gordon. Chefoo School 1881-1951: a history and memoir. Braunton Devon: Merlin Books, Limited, 1990. [In library of LJH]

Nyberg, Kenneth. Boxarupproret och Kinasvenskarna.
Text publicerats som Kenneth Nyberg, ”Boxarupproret och Kinasvenskarna”, Historielärarnas förenings årsskrift 2013, s. 76–91.

Reminiscence of My Golden Years in Ruihua.Memoir of a Chinese student's time in the boys' school of the Swedish Baptist Mission.

Rinell, Gerda. Letter to Edith Rinell. From Kiaohsien, Shantung, China. January 13, 1947. One page. The letter was typed. a note on January 8 in the margin states "A Chinese woman is taking this letter to Tsingtao tomorrow. Hope she'll get through OK. Everything as usual. Much love, G[erda].

Rinell, Gerda. Letter to Edith Rinell. From Kiaohsien, Shantung, China. September 23, 1947. Eight pages.

Rinell, Gerda. Ljuset lyser i mörkret. Stockholm: Baptistsamfundets förlag, 1947. Translated into English in full or in part by Margaret Rinell Jonell. [Is the same as "Biography of J. A. and Hedvig Rinell" noted above?]

Rinell, Oscar. "A China pioneer and veteran missionary."__ One of three documents in a plastic ring-bound book. Very limited private printing by Margareta [Rinell] Jonell, Christmas 1985. Front blue thick paper cover contains John 3:16 in Chinese characters from the New Testament. [In library of LJH]. This document is a "free" translation from the Swedish into English by Margareta Jonell of a chapter of the book Min Far Var Missionär (sp?) [My father was a missionary].

J. A. Rinell och John H. Swordson, Boxare-upproret och förföljelserna mot de kristna i Kina 1900–1901 [Boxer Rebellion and the persecution of Christians in China, 1900-1901] Stockholm, 1902.

Rinell, Johan Alfred. De Svenska Baptisternas Kinamission. [The Swedish Baptist China Mission].

Rinell, Johan Alfred. Missionsproblemet. [The Problem of Missions].

Rinell, Johan Alfred. Svenska Baptistmissionen i Kina. [Swedish Baptist Missions in China].

Rinell, Johan Alfred. T'ai-Shan - Kinas Heligaste Berg. [T'ai Shan - China's holy mountain]. Betlehem, 1929, pages 45-49.

Rinell, John Alfred, Lindberg, J. E. Hou, S.S. A history of the Swedish baptist mission in Shantung, China, 1891-1941.

Rinell, Johan Alfred. Missionsuppdraget och Vi. [The Call to Missions and Us].

Rinell, Johan Alfred. [Oscar Rinell said Johan Alfred Rinell's newspaper articles would fill many books.]

Rinell, Lally. 'Some facts about the Communist take-over of Kiaohsien (Jiaoxien ­ now again called Jiaozhou) and Tsingtao (Qingdao)'. Approximately a two page document. Document file name is 'Communist-Takeover'.

Rinell, Oscar. Världskriget och Världmissionen. Stockholm: B.-M:s bokf., 1921..

Rinell, Oscar. Den Kinesiska Frihetsrörelsen och Missionsbok. Stockholm: B.-M:s bokf.,1929.

Rinell, Oscar. [A chapter in Jacob Lundahl's mission book] Missionen i bild , 1948.

Rinell, Oscar. Communism and Christianity , 1957. (Translated into Japanese.) At this time I don't know if there was an English version published - Len.

Rinell, Oscar. En Ny Dag: Kräver en ny missionsfilososofi. SMT, 1953 (could be 1955).

Rinell, Oscar with Alice Hermansson. Ny Kontakt med Kina , 1983. Limited publication.

Rinell, Oscar. Missionsmotiv i Kristendomen , 1986. [This also may be a limited publication].

Rinell, Oscar." In Remembrance Rev[erand] J. A. Rinell." The Chinese Recorder , September, 1941, page 506. Note: The Chinese Recorder may be a bound edition of a periodical. This needs to be checked out.

Rudex. See Rinell, Oscar. "Rudex" was a pen name for Oscar Rinell. He often used this pen name so authorities would have more difficulty identifying him as the writer of his articles. I believe he also used the initials 'll' at times in place of 'Rinell' LJH.

The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. For information on individuals who entered the USA through Ellis Island. Provides the date of their arrival, where they said from, a photograph of the ship and personal details of the individual.

Stephens, Harold. Take China: The Last of the China Marines. Publication date: July 2003, 366 pages ISBN 0-9642521-8-X. Excerpt.

Tensta church: a short guide in English. [no author].Uppsala: Upplands Grafiska AB,1982.[seven pages]

"Shantung Daily News", July 8, 1941 for biography on the late Johan Alfred Rinell.

Wallin, Sven. Vadstena (Sweden): its abbey, castle and memories. 4th edition. Vadstena: Vadstena Affärstryk, 1966.[thirty-six pages].

Wood, Ge-Zay. Shantung Question: a study in diplomacy and world politics. New York and Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1922. [Book available on Google Book Search.]

Yin Ying. My golden years: joy and sadness intertwined. Taosheng, ????. Date: ????. Original book is in Chinese A first draft of one chapter, "The time in Ruihua Middle School" was translated into English by Mary Chang, and the second draft by Lally Rinell. (A copy of the chapter is in the electronic library of LJH. See electronic file name "RuihuaMiddleSchool.doc".) ISBN 978.986.7460.93-8.

Xiaoxin Wu. Christianity in China: a scholars' guide to resources in the libraries and archives of the United States. Notes source for letters of Dale Bjork (1948 - 1950) and Sten Lindberg (1945 - 1950) to the Board of World Missions in archives at Baptist General Conference, Board of World Mission, 2002 South Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (800-323-4215) and/or Bethel Theological Seminary, Archival Center of the Baptist General Conference, 3949 Bethel Drive, New Brighton, MN 55112. [To be investigate].

Regarding archives in Bethel College and an Institute of Theology (formerly Bethel Seminary) in Stockholm, Sweden, Lally Rinell had this to say: 64 Email from Lally Rinell to LJH, August 7, 2007.

To your question: yes, there are lots and lots of archived materials in Stockholm. We are a group of retired people who got to Bethel (former seminary, now divided into a College and an Institute of Theology) to work in the archives. We are trying to bring order into all the documents that have accumulated during the years. Part of the Chinese material is in one section, but many pictures are in another section, and letters and minutes from board meetings in a third section . . . There are, of course, also a number of books on China, written for anniversaries or by missionaries on special topics. However there is a great shortage of anything in any other language than Swedish!

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Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017