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(1903) Girls School Begins

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The Lindbergs moved to Chui-ch'eng, 140 li southwest of Kiaohsien. Recently a chapel with a capacity for 200 people was built in the town. [Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, The. Volume XXXVII. Shangahi: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1906, page 527.]

In 1900 the mission under Hedvig had started a boys school. [See Oscar's "The Swedish Baptist Mission in Shantung" in the binder Rinell Documents for more data on schools opened over the years in various towns, and the positive influence of these schools for Christian missions.] The missionaries were now ready to start a girls school begun in 1903 [in Chui-ch'eng?] under the leadership of Mrs. Lindberg. Girls were not usually educated in China. This was something new for many of the people.

Maria and David Edén

Maria and David Edén arrived from Sweden, two additional missionaries for the Swedish Baptist Mission. David had been a pastor in Stängnäs. Upon arrival in China they first lived in the mission compound, Sikuan****(Xiguan), together with John Aldred and Hedvig Rinell.

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Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951
© 2012-14 Lennart Holmquist
Lorum • Ipsum• Dolor • Sic Amet • Consectetur

Updated: 10-Feb-2017