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Rinell Family Cabin

by Lennart Holmquist

Roy Rinell had Sulatorp built in 1973. Inherited by Roy's parents, Oscar and Hellen Rinell, when Roy passed away, the cabin was inherited by their daughter Doris (Holmquist, Rinell) Brown when both Hellen and Oscar passed away. Doris passed ownership of Sulatorp to her children Lennart, Meilynn, Carey and Carolynn (Cookie).

Audio Recordings at Sulatorp and Environs

When family members gathered at Sulatorp or at Oscar and Hellen Rinell's apartment in Torslanda, they sometimes taped their conversations. Doris (Rinell) Holmquist, daughter of Oscar and Hellen, also made recordings as she was driving in the car to the city of Goteborg or the backroads around Sulatorp and Bjorketorp. Here are some of those recordings.

Hellen and Doris Listen to Swedish Radio

Driving to Göteborg, August 15, 1990

Driving the Backroads of Björketorp, August 19, 1990

Sale of Sulatorp

In 2014 Sulatorp was sold by Doris' children.

Sulatorp Documents

Sulatorp Documents


Map shows:

Sulatorp circled in black.

Home of neighbor and friend, Jan Sture and family, A.

Long building in lower left is a horse-riding stable owned by the Sture family and managed by Jan's daughter.

Road going of to the upper left goes into the town of Björketorp, about a ten minute drive away.


Sulatorp Stuga (cabin)
circled in black


web page updated:


Johansson & Descendants

Johan & Hedvig's Family

Doris Rinell Branch

Roy Rinell Branch

Alice Rinell Branch

John Egron Rinell Branch

Margareta Rinell Branch

John Eric Rinell Branch

William Rinell Branch

Foreign Devils: A Swedish Family in China 1894 to 1951


Descendants of Magnus Petri
Ersson Family
Jansson Family

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